Our Services

Home Exercise Programs

We develop exercise programs using the equipment and the environment around your home.

Gym and Pool Programs

Interested in starting a gym or pool program? We'll meet you at your chosen location and will guide you through exercises to help build strength, balance and coordination etc.

Home Assessment

Home assessments help identify areas that may be of a safety risk. We take the time to observe your mobility around the home to help plan and set up goals for you to be more independent and confident.

Get The Most Out of Your NDIS Plan

We will take time to make sure you understand how your NDIS plan works and how to take advantage of your plan.

Sports & Community Participation

Have you considered playing a sport? In physiotherapy, we can design a program to build up your strength and coordination so you can participate. This is an opportunity for everyone, ranging from all-abilities to high level competitions.

Walking Aid Prescription

Need help finding the right walking aids? We'll guide you through every step of the process.

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